Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Alexandru Ioan Cuza was Prince of Moldavia, Prince of Wallachia, and later Ruler of the Romanian Principalities. as he achieved the union of the two. The union was formally declared on 5 February 1862, the new country bearing the name of Romania, with Bucharest as its capital city.
Assisted by his councilor Mihail Kogălniceanu, an intellectual leader of the 1848 revolution, Cuza initiated a series of reforms that contributed to the modernization of Romanian society and of state structures. Cuza's reform marked the disappearance of the boyar class as a privileged group, and led to a channeling of energies into capitalism and industrialization.
Cuza began facing a mounting opposition after his land reform bill, with liberal landowners voicing concerns over his ability to represent their interests. Along with financial distress, there was an awkward scandal that revolved around his mistress, Maria Catargiu-Obrenović, and popular discontent culminated in a coup d'état.
His successor, Prince Karl of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, was proclaimed Domnitor as Carol I of Romania on 20 April 1866
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